In Audaciously Alive: Choosing to Live Well on Purpose, Roxanne Harris helps readers see where they are in their own struggle with autoimmune or chronic disease—and the pitfalls, confusion, and torment that goes with it—to find the path back to freedom and true living. 

After a devastating diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis, just two weeks after the birth of her fourth child, Roxanne Harris refused to submit to life in a wheelchair and began the fight of her life—to create beauty from the ashes of disease, broken relationships, and the crippling of her body. 

In Audaciously Alive, Roxanne shares her pain, the many trials she faced, and her most audacious moments of standing firm and not giving up. She highlights keys to living well and gives insight and wisdom so that you can better see the traps and speed bumps that could derail you in your own path to recovery. Packed with practical tools, Roxanne will help you turn the freight train of your health and life around and get back on track physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

You no longer have to live in panic, confusion, or fear after a diagnosis. Instead, you can choose to be audacious and live on purpose every day. 

Say “no” to sickness and the label of disease and choose to live audaciously.

AUDACIOUSLY ALIVE is the story of Roxanne's journey back to health and vitality. Each chapter has Lightbulb Moments to Build Audacity and Audacious Actions to Live Well On Purpose. These sections are recipes to inspire, empower and train you to take back responsibility for your health and create your own beautiful life so you can truly live well! 

Roxanne discusses the challenging topics that no one wants to talk about; body image, worth, intimacy, fatigue, social limitations and much more. Yet, these are the very issues that every women with autoimmune or chronic disease, their spouses and their friends and family wrestle with. 

​Roxanne is a keynote speaker on health, wellness and the Christian faith. 

Book Roxanne to speak at your women's conference, wellness event, or retreat. 

A very inspiring story.

I just loved this book. It is so wonderfully written. It is captivating that someone could go through such obstacles and still have a faith that guided her to never give up. After each chapter you have "Lightbulbs Moments to Build Audacity" and the part that I like the most is "Audacious Actions to Live Well on Purpose". I just finished reading it and I plan to read it again and put in action what she proposes to better my life. There are a lot of highlighting and writing while reading this book. You are not going to regret buying it and taken the time to read it.


Purposeful Living

Riddled with questions about life issues, pain, and your purpose? This book will encourage you to choose to live for purpose and be who God meant you to be. Roxanne Harris was diagnosed with AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis). She shares her story living with deep physical pain and the many stressors she had to face. Roxanne shares her journey with positive choices and her determination to not let others define her. She encourages us to do the same.
I kept my pencil with me while reading each page to mark great words of wisdom and postive helps in my own life.
There are great resources and words of wisdom for each of us whatever journey we are in in our physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. She encourages us to not give up and live out our best life and be audaciously alive!
Its never to late. A great encouraging and resourceful book.

Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

A must read if you have lost hope and are looking to get your life back on track.

I love Roxanne's tenacity and the message to say "no" to sickness and to choose to live on purpose everyday. Her book is full of practical tools to help you through your trials to get back on track and realize your life is worth living no matter what!



After my own diagnosis last year, I decided to read Audaciously Alive by Roxanne Harris. What a beautiful book about living well on purpose no matter what life throws at us! There are so many things that can derail a journey of healing and Roxanne shares her own struggles and tips. This a great book for Christian women looking to get back on track after a diagnosis that can knock the wind out of you. The wisdom and practical insights will have you happy that you read the book.


inspiring, empowering and training YOU to have the Audacity to Live WELL!

Audaciously Alive

Available in bookstores or online.

A Powerful, Comprehensive and Important Resource.

In this book, Roxanne Harris takes us on an intimate journey of how she has, and continues to, reclaim her health, and her life after being diagnosed with a chronic, painful autoimmune disease. She shares her process and hard earned lessons through powerful storytelling, and provocative questions that encourage deep self-reflection and actionable steps. Throughout the book we are shown a path that each of us can employ towards living a more audacious, abundant and healthy life. She challenges us to release the false beliefs we hold about ourselves, the systems that limit our potential for growth and healing and instead models how to step into a new paradigm that allows us to claim our birthright- to live fully, to live well, with pleasure- on purpose. This book is a rich resource for those who are can relate to living with chronic pain, unheard trauma and are feeling disconnected from who they truly are. If you would benefit from empathy, tough-love-truth telling and being shown a healing path from a loving, fierce wellness warrior with decades of personal and professional experience- this book is for you.


Roxanne demonstrates how mindset is everything to go beyond complex diagnosis.

I read Audaciously Alive through the lens of a wellness practitioner. Roxanne beautifully and painfully describes the complexity of living with a complex medical diagnosis. Her insights are important- namely that we are not our diagnoses and that our thoughts and words are powerful. I loved the inquiries and thoughtful questions she poses throughout the book. Roxanne is an inspiration with her authenticity as she describes her journey moving from pain and despair to thriving despite excruciating pain and physical and emotional challenges. Her strategies of: mindset, thinking outside the box, prioritizing intimacy, creating a health team and anchoring her wellness through her faith is inspirational. One of my biggest takeaways was not to make assumptions about another persons quality of life based on physical appearances.


Never give up despite insurmountable obstacles.

Wow, what a gift this book is! Roxanne narrates her own health story outspokenly, honestly and on occasion bluntly and does not hide from the emotional and painfilled turmoil her AS diagnosis has brought along for her to experience. Written in a down to earth way that just speaks to you. I laughed, cried, raged and loved on her behalf but the biggest piece I took away from reading her book was the message of hope and inspiration, and to never give up and to look for alternatives when there seems to be a dead end. To strive for an even better me and to have the choice on a daily basis to start anew with a better outlook on life filled with abundance.