What is Live Blood Analysis?

Live blood analysis is the process of looking at a drop of blood suspended between two slides in order to see the various components of the blood, their quality, viability, action and interaction with other cells, and ultimately the level of health of the blood, the tissues, body systems, and the individual.

“Blood is not a liquid, but a flowing tissue”- Antoine Bechamp

Blood is living, moving, and ever changing. There is a healthy and unhealthy form and process for every cell. Variations in the blood mean that you are alive and responding to your environment. “Perfect” blood is not a reality.

See Blood Analysis sample pictures below.

What Benefit is there to Having a Live Blood Analysis Done?

Live blood analysis distinguishes between a healthy and an unhealthy cell, rather than just a cell count. We are interested in the action, reaction, and interaction of the various cells and components in order to determine current deficiencies, needs, excesses, intolerances, and stressors of the cells, tissues, and systems within the body.

A blood analysis is a preventative and reactive tool, revealing early warning signs of disease or impending disease if the current condition does not change i.e. diet, lifestyle and exercise. It can help to verify existing conditions/illnesses and how the body is responding to the current treatment, or if further treatment is required.
It can assist in prevention of disease and illness by seeing, understanding, and implementing what the body needs in order to perform at its optimum.

By observing the stages within the blood we can correlate them with varying symptoms and onset of imbalance and disease.

“Disease is an underlying condition not the symptoms we diagnose or the ‘bugs’ involved”- Claude Bernard

What Happens at a Live Blood Analysis Consultation?

The blood sample is taken from a finger poke. One drop of blood is brought to the surface and collected on a slide. This sample will be exposed to the air and dried.

The finger is wiped and a second drop of blood is taken. This drop will be suspended between two slides so that the blood and its components remain alive.

The patient watches the analysis as it unfolds on a monitor. The Analyst will discuss what they see, and ask questions to confirm findings.

The Analyst is looking for five main indicators/stressors in the sample:

  1. pH of the blood (the acid/alkaline state).
  2. The Zeta potential of the red blood cells, this is the electric or magnetic charge of the cell, indicative of hydration, oxygenation, and capacity of functioning of the red blood cells.
  3. Level of toxicity due to poisoning through environmental factors, medications, drugs, cosmetics, supplements and vitamins, tap water, dental materials, and food additives.
  4. Nutritional state.
  5. Oxidative stress (the measure of free radical activity in your blood, it is the body’s inability to take out the garbage/toxins and waste).

** The level of stress is indicative of the degree of imbalance in the body. The degree of imbalance defines the level of health of the individual, giving us a clear picture of how to best support the patient on all levels.
The patient is recommended various supports i.e. nutritional changes, supplements, vitamins, exercises, and/or Nanopharmaceuticals to support the findings in the sample.

Why are you concerned with my Blood Type?

Blood type is important as it can verify why certain stressors are being found in the blood. Nutritionally speaking, we are what we eat, and each blood type is designed (via the amounts of digestive enzymes or lack thereof) to be able to digest certain types of food better than others. If you are eating food that is not compatible with your blood type, this could be the answer to your metabolic and digestive health issues, including fatigue, gas, bloating, weight gain and much more. Don’t know your blood type? No problem, your Live Blood Analyst will be happy to type it for you for a small fee of $10.00.

What is the Role of Blood Analysis within Bioregulatory Medicine?

Blood Analysis is an important adjunct for Bioregulatory Medicine. Nanopharmaceuticals/ vitamins/ minerals/ herbs/ and good regimen (diet, exercise, sleep, recreation, posture) all assist in the cleanup process (detoxification) of the body safely and quickly bringing about greater change in one’s health. Bioregulatory Medicine is used to treat the underlying issues that are often presented in the blood, which are at the root of many chronic conditions, symptoms and dis-ease states. Blood analysis helps the Practitioner see the efficacy of the treatments and how the body is progressing. Through blood analysis the Practitioner can modify the patients’ protocol for the best wellness outcome.

How Do I Prepare For a Live Blood Analysis?

The sample is best taken when the patient has been fasting for 6-12 hours. Afternoon patients can have a light, non-fat breakfast at least 6 hours before the appointment.

Drink only pure water the day of the appointment, start drinking plenty of water 48 hours in advance of the appointment.

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to the appointment.

If safe for the patient all vitamins, supplements and medications should be stopped 24-48 hours in advance of the appointment.

Do not wear any perfumes, lotions, or hand creams the day of the appointment.

Blood Analysis sample pictures:

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